the city
on a human scale

Analyze existing site conditions, measure key urban indicators, and perform spatial analysis — directly in the browser.

Real Estate
Real Estate

Morphocode Explorer helps planners, businesses, and cities do more with data.

Discover more
in less time

Do your research with an urban analysis tool designed for discoveries. Use a single, powerful, interactive interface and explore location insights faster than ever.

Learn more

Get instant insights

Real-time Interaction

Built-in Data Layers

Key Urban Indicators

Access a variety
of map layers

Browse through various layers in seconds and compare thematic maps on land use, development intensity, transit network, and demographics.

Measure what matters

Select a location and explore various urban performance measures. Analyze your site quickly with beautiful interactive charts and graphs that help you make informed decisions.

Put data to work


Planning & Design

Understand a project’s location and context. Analyze existing site conditions, compare locations, and make in-depth spatial research faster than ever.


Cities & Public Agencies

Expand your geospatial toolkit with modern web technologies and get instant urban analytics capabilities.

Real Estate

Real Estate

Explore the city, one neighborhood at a time, and backup valuation decisions with data and key urban performance indicators.


Mobility & Transportation

Use a pedestrian shed to evaluate existing conditions and explore mobility data based on walking distances from any location.

Get the Playbook

Discover more about the making of Morphocode Explorer and the research behind the tool in this 30-page illustrated playbook.

Download Playbook


How does it work?

Morphocode Explorer is a custom web application designed and developed from the ground up. To learn more, check out our story - The making of Morphocode Explorer.

What is the source of the data?

Morphocode Explorer makes use of a variety of public data sources and third-party databases. We use a custom pipeline to refine, enrich, and optimize the data for fast analysis in the browser.

Can I use it with my own data?

Morphocode Explorer can be customized to meet specific requirements. Get in touch if you want to learn more about the tool and how you can integrate it into your existing workflow.

Is Explorer available for my city?

The beta version is available for New York City. We are currently expanding the data library to cover more cities across North America, Europe, and Australia. Let us know which city you would like to see next.

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Discover more

Download the 30-page playbook to learn more about the making of Morphocode Explorer and the research behind the tool.

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